The Magical Mystery Tour of Careers Advice

"Help me if you can I'm feeling downnn,
Dum, Dum, Dum..."

James is murdering another Beatles classic as the canoe lollops past cows and up the canal. Taking everything in from his perch at the back of the canoe, Nathan interrupts the paddling rhythm,
"Have you ever thought about just being a farmer?" Says Nathan.
"Well yeah. I mean I like being outside and I like the freedom but... I don't know, I'd like to follow my own path."
Thus rebuffed, Nathan returns to paddling, daydreaming and stroking his beard.

Two hours and several locks later...
"He's got a steady job, but he wants to be a paperback writer... A paperback writer... A..."
James is slaughtering another Beatles epic. Noticing the journal lodged in the day bag, Nathan again interjects,
"Have you ever thought about being a journalist?" Says Nathan.
"Well yeah. I mean I like writing and seeing new things but... I don't know, journalism is really hard to get into."
And having been rejected, Nathan returns to paddling, pondering and flexing his biceps.

An hour and two barges later, James is butchering another Beatles stonker as the canoe trundles past yet another office du tourisme.
"Got a good feeling, she's taking the easy way out,
She was a dayyyy tripper..."
Again inspired, Nathan breaches the whining,
"Have you ever thought about working in a tourist office?" Says Nathan.
"Well yeah. I mean I like helping people and knowing somewhere inside out but... I don't know, it just doesn't seem long term for me."
His grand plan once again refused, Nathan returns to paddling, thinking and checking his tan.

Forty five minutes, three tooting lorries and eight cyclists later, James is crucifying another Beatles favourite as the canoe squirms through a picturesque village.
"All you need is love,
De de-de Der..."
Apparently seeing the light, Nathan tries again,
"Have you ever thought about being a house husband?" Says Nathan.
"Well yeah. I mean I like tidying and playing kids' games but... I don't know, I kind of think I'd like to do something else."
Wind taken out of his sales, Nathan returns to paddling, counting and considering dinner.

Another hour swims past and the sun is closing the lock gate of another hot day. The boys are fatigued and James still doesn't have a career. In unison, one final Beatles tune is savaged in the canoe,

"Speaking words of wisdom,
Let it be, let it be."